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Welcome to our blog. This is a journal where we share our work, we're so grateful for each of our couples. Stay a while and enjoy!

Hello darlings

Cedar Creek Falls : California

Nov 1, 2013

The other week we jumped in the car and drove. We do this sometimes. Not necessarily with any destination in mind. Just to drive. To discover. To remember what it feels like to see something new for the first time. The simple joy of discovery and change. To remind us what it felt like to move to San Diego for the first time. To be reminded to be thankful. I think sometimes as humans we need these reminders. We can get so caught up in how our lives are not, and can so easily forget how wonderful our lives really are. I think many of you would agree that when we’ve been in one place long enough, we can begin to feel that it really isn’t all that we thought it would be. Its lost its spark. Its lost the beauty. And just not the same exhilarating place you were so thrilled to move to when you first arrived. It has just become somewhere you live. The funny thing is, the place hasn’t changed – just our perspective of it. I admit sometimes i get caught up in this idea. I tend to focus on whats to come and and i’m learning to and still learning to appreciate the time i have now.  Because one day I know I will wake up and wish I could go back to today and this place and enjoy it all over again. That’s the truth. I think these spontaneous adventures help us see the old anew again. To enjoy today now before it becomes a piece of the past i want to relive.

We ended up in the hills about an hour from home where we’d been told there was a waterfall in the valley. Stopping at the top, the view was breathtaking. The valley below was so fresh against the dusty hills. It was like a river of green trailing round the bottom of the mountains. It reminded me of watching Mary Poppins as a kid and how unreal yet perfectly delightful the paintings were that they would jump inside. This was my painting. And it was glorious.

Once we made it down into the valley it was like being in another world. The trees were golden and it was a lush woodland hideaway with the stillest, glassiest pool of water i’ve ever seen. Guys. You have no idea how exciting that was. Fall doesn’t exactly come to Southern California like i’m used to. There are no changing colors or falling leaves. No trickling rivers or damp soil. This was a little piece of Eden and we soaked it in until the sun went down.

SoCal. You are good to us.

We’ll be back!



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